What We Do

We leverage our strategic excellence, scientific expertise, and creative brilliance to create and craft meaningful brand experiences for our clients, healthcare professionals, and consumers.

Fueled by the “Nothing is impossible” spirit, we aspire to uplift quality of life through world-changing ideas.

Medical Detailing

Medical detailers made informative, interesting, and entertaining

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CME Materials

Hard-working educational materials and collaterals for your CME sessions

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In-Clinic Merchandising

Practical and innovative leave-behind materials

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Integrated Campaign

360-campaigns built on strategy and brought to life with creativity

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Digital Events and Activation

Memorable and engaging digital experiences designed for healthcare professional

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Digital Marketing & Technology

Ads and platforms that connect with our online audience

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Content Creation and Management

Thought-provoking and engaging content that helps build brand awareness and relevance.

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Educational Videos

Snackable videos that educate as much as they entertain

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Our Works

Over the years, we’ve been part of work that we are extremely proud of, not just for the awards they’ve reaped (yes, we’ve won locally and internationally) but also because of how they’ve helped make life better for the Filipino.

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Enfa A+ Gentlease Rorsh*t

When dozens of medical representatives fight every day for a few precious seconds of attention from doctors, our team found a way for doctors to listen to our shi*t.

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Screening For Cancer Campaign

When 4 smokers sat down for a video interview, they never expected they would come face-to-face with a question that could literally be life-or-death.

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Diabetasol Uncheat Your Days

For people with diabetes, a cheat day can be hell. That's why we are showing them how to uncheat their days.

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Cancer Care-nections Web Series

Getting the cancer conversation started can be really hard. So we decided to not just get it started but also keep it rolling with our innovative web series that brought cancer warriors and experts close.

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No-Tobacco Day Posts (3/3)

Taking the offensive against tobacco with a highly engaging digital post series.

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Healthy Options “Believe” Campaign

When you choose to eat healthy, it won’t be just your body thanking you for making the right choice.

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